Clayton, MO Traffic Court
Clayton Traffic Lawyers
Did you get a ticket in Clayton, Missouri?
Stop Sign, Electric Signal Violation, Driving While Suspended, Possession of Marijuana, or any other ticket, our Clayton traffic lawyers can handle it where “no points” is the goal.
Clayton Speeding Ticket Traffic Law Defense
Did you receive a Speeding ticket in Clayton?
Our Clayton traffic lawyers handle speeding ticket defense, where “no points” is the goal.
Clayton MIP Lawyers
Did you receive a Minor in Possession ticket?
Our Clayton MIP lawyers handle MIP defense, where the object is keeping your record clean and your driver license from being suspended or revoked.
Clayton DWI Criminal Defense Attorneys
Did you receive a ticket for Driving While Intoxicated?
Our Clayton DWI attorneys handle drunk driving defense, where your driver license and your freedom are at stake. We handle all aspects including the Administrative Hearing or the ramifications of a refusal.
Let our Clayton traffic law attorneys start helping you today. Contact Us
This page contains Court information Links for Clayton, Missouri.
Clayton Municipal Court
10 S. Brentwood
Clayton, MO 63105
Tel: (314) 290-8441
Fax: (314) 863-0295
City of Clayton, MO website.
For more information regarding your case visit
Hon. Joseph Dulle
Prosecuting Attorney
Darold E. Crotzer, Jr, Esq.
Court Administrator
Elricka Jones
Court Dates and Docket Dates
Traffic: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:00 P.M. Doors open at 5:30
Housing: 2nd Thursday of every month at 9:00 A.M.
For information on your ticket, click here.
Court fines may be paid by one of the following methods:
- Pay Traffic Tickets Online at Parking tickets can be paid here.
- Mail payments in the form of check or money order only made payable to City of Clayton to: Municipal Court
City of Clayton
10 S. Brentwood Blvd
Clayton, MO 63105 - Pay fines in person with cash, check, money order, MasterCard or Visa. Please note that court fine payments must be received before 4:00 p.m. on the day of court.