Bel-Ridge Traffic Court Information

Bel-Ridge Traffic Lawyers

The Bel-Ridge Traffic Lawyers at can handle it:

Bel-Ridge Speeding Ticket Defense

    • Our Bel-Ridge traffic lawyers handle Bel-Ridge speeding ticket defense, where “no points” is the goal.

Bel-Ridge MIP Defense

    • Our Bel-Ridge MIP lawyers handle Bel-Ridge MIP defense, where the object is keeping your record clean and your driver license from being suspended

Bel-Ridge DWI Defense

  • Our Bel-Ridge DWI lawyers handle Bel-Ridge DWI defense, where your freedom is at stake.

Let our Bel-Ridge Traffic Lawyers start helping you today. Contact Us

Bel-Ridge Traffic Court Information

This page contains Court information Links for Bel-Ridge, Missouri.


Bel-Ridge Municipal Court
8920 Natural Bridge Road
Bel-Ridge, MO 63121

Tel: (314) 429-2878
Fax: (314) 429-0811

Hon. Thomas M. Flach

Prosecuting Attorney
Michael McAvoy, Esq.

Court Dates and Docket Dates (6:00 p.m.)
1st, 3rd & 4th Tuesday of every month

The Violations Bureau is open for payments from 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.