The St. Louis Metro Area is doing amnesty again for those with outstanding warrants. Those who attend will need to bring $10 to cover all warrant fees. Locations are as follows:
August 3, 2013 – St. Louis Community College Meramec from 7am to 7pm – for Misdemeanors
August 7, 2013 – St. Louis Community College Florissant from 7am to 7pm – for Misdemeanors
August 19, 2013 – St. Louis Community College Forest Park from 7am to 7pm – for Misdemeanors
For Felony warrants for child support the dates are: August 17, August 21, August 31 all at Better Family Life Cultural, Education Center. Also from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Missouri man is suing the City of Ellisville in a class action lawsuit for a ticket he received due to warning of an upcoming speed trap.
Municipal Courts are supposed to be collecting an additional $3 fee for those convicted of an ordinance violation (Illegal Parking, Speeding, Etc). The new fees are to replenish the pension fund for Missouri sheriffs and their spouse.
Troop B releases results of DWI checkpoints in Ralls and Monroe Counties on July 5 and 6. They made one arrest for DWI and 3 arrest for minor criminal offenses.
MADD takes issue with Police Chief, Jeff Fries, after witnesses identified him as a passenger in a vehicle where the driver was arrested for a DWI at a checkpoint.
Free Saturday parking downtown ended last weekend. In the first weekend alone, 210 tickets were issued. Business think that the end to free parking will help promote turnover and help increase customer flow. If you got at parking ticket, don’t forget to pay it right away. While the fines start at $10, the amount doubles in 15 days to $20 and hits $40 after 45 days. If you get four unpaid tickets, you might be booted.
On Wednesday July 24, 2013 a Farmington, Missouri man was arrested on suspicion of DWI after his Utility Vehicle struck a pole and overturned. The passenger was pronounced dead on the seen and the driver was seriously injured. Neither individual was wearing a safety restraint.
7/26/13 – Students from nine Missouri High Schools are participating in a Mock DWI crash today in Columbia, MO. This program is intended to promote safe driving in youth and deter underage drinking and drinking and driving.
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