Tag Archives: st. Peters traffic attorney

St. Peters Municipal Court

St. Peters Municipal Court Traffic Attorneys
St. Peters, MO Traffic Court
St. Peters Traffic Lawyers

Did you get a ticket in St. Peters, Missouri?

St. Peters issued 3,811 tickets in 2017.

Stop Sign, Electric Signal Violation, Driving While Suspended, Possession of Marijuana, or any other ticket, our St. Peters traffic lawyers can handle it where “no points” is the goal.

St. Peters Speeding Ticket Traffic Law Defense

Did you receive a Speeding ticket in St. Peters?

This page contains Court information and links for St. Peters, Missouri.

St. Peters Municipal Court
1020 Grand Teton Dr.
St. Peters, MO 63376

Phone: 636-279-8280
Fax: 636-928-4482

City of St. Peters, MO website. Check the website to find a list of fines.

Presiding Judge
Donald Kohl

Court Hours
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Court days 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. Court reopens at 5:30pm